Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA is an award-winning author, editor, and journalist whose writing appears in books, magazines, newspapers, websites, academic research, and studies. Her work has been published in the U.S. and globally.
La Salle University Strategic Facilities Plan, Hord Coplan Macht, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, December 2012.
Barbara Nadel Architect was the security consultant to Hord Coplan Macht for this strategic facilities master plan. Ms. Nadel’s Safety and Safety chapter addressed the site, buildings, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), technology, and operations, as part of this comprehensive, multi-disciplinary study.
Government by Example, Deloitte and Kyoto Publishing, 2010, p. 66-70.
“Green, Safe, and Secure: America’s 21st Century Civic Architecture, United States federal agencies are implementing innovative solutions to security and sustainability design challenges”
This special report on sustainability was distributed to Federal agencies and managers as a guide to best practices. Ms. Nadel’s white paper on sustainability and building security highlights policies, initiatives, and key projects from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO).
Design for Diplomacy: New Embassies for the 21st Century (PDF), American Institute of Architects, 2009.
The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) asked Ms. Nadel to lead an AIA effort examining embassy design. Ms. Nadel chaired the AIA 21st Century Embassy Task Force, and authored the AIA Task Force report, which included recommendations for embassy planning, design, and construction, and goals of integrating security, sustainability, and energy efficiency. OBO later implemented a Design Excellence program, based on the AIA Task Force recommendations in the report.
The CIP Report, George Mason University School of Law, Center for Infrastructure Protection, December 2009, Volume 8, Number 6, pages 16, 17, and 29.
“Security By Design: Creating Safe and Secure Commercial Facilities” (PDF)
2011 Architecture Engagement Calendar, American Architectural Foundation and AIA St. Louis, 2011.
Ms. Nadel’s photograph was selected for publication in this weekly calendar by a jury.
Title: Ad Infinitum
Location: Middle East
Architecture: Celebrating the Past, Designing the Future, Nancy B. Solomon, AIA, editor, Visual Reference Publications, 2008.
"Design Strategies for a Safer Environment," and "Charles Harper, FAIA: Disaster Responder and Civic Leader"
Architectural Graphic Standards, Eleventh Edition, by Charles Ramsey & Harold Sleeper, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, p1016.
"Building Security: Twenty-First Century Planning and Design Essentials"
Livability 101, American Institute of Architects, 2005.
"Public Safety, Personal Security" (PDF)
Justice Facilities Review, 2002-2003 (PDF), American Institute of Architects, 2002.
Ms. Nadel was 2002 Chair of the AIA Academy on Architecture for Justice, and chaired the jury for the 2002-2003 Justice Facilities Review. She wrote the Jury Comments summarizing project trends for courthouses; corrections, detention, and juvenile facilities; law enforcement, and multiple use facilities.
Time Saver Standards for Building Types, Michael J. Crosbie and Joseph De Chiara, editors. Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
"Correctional Facility Design"
Community Policing: A Station for Tomorrow, American Institute of Architects, AIA Committee on Architecture for Justice, Washington, DC, 1998, 20 pages.
"Abstract from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)"
Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA wrote the report for a law enforcement conference held in Chicago, Illinois. The conference discussed police station designs that facilitate community policing. Case studies examined law enforcement space planning, equipment, and operational issues at police facilities in Aurora, Illinois, Elgin, Illinois, Farmers Branch, Texas, and Santa Ana, California.
Security in the Built Environment, American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC, AIA Committee on Architecture for Justice, 1997, 15 pages.
Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA wrote the report for a corporate security conference held in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference discussed corporate and commercial security, and security at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
Accommodating Special Needs, American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC, AIA Committee on Architecture for Justice, 1996.
Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA was conference chair and wrote the report for a corrections special needs conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The conference addressed medical, mental health, substance abuse, women’s issues, long term care, geriatrics, the physically challenged, privatization, and public policy for correctional facilities, including federal and state prisons and county jails.
Health Facilities Review, 1995-1996. AIA Press. AIA Academy on Architecture for Health, 1996.
Barbara A. Nadel, FAIA wrote the introduction to the Health Facilities Review, and served on the design jury.